Soma Yoga

Men's Warrior Circle
with Jeff

October 15 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Class type

Are you ready to connect with other men who are committed to personal growth and empowerment? Join our Men’s Warrior Circle, where we explore what it means to be a true warrior in today’s world.

Core Focus Areas:

  • Conflict: Understanding and navigating internal and external conflicts.
  • Anxiety: Developing strategies to manage and reduce anxiety.
  • Vulnerability: Embracing vulnerability as a source of strength.
  • Anger: Learning to channel anger into positive action.

Our Goals:

  • Cultivate a Sustainable Definition of Strength
  • Empower Yourself with Self-Control and Confidence
  • Foster a Growth Mindset for Continuous Improvement

Tools We’ll Develop Together:

  • Meditation & Breath Work: Harness the power of breath and mindfulness to stay centered.
  • Journaling: Reflect on your journey and track your progress.
  • Visualization: See your goals clearly and bring them to life.
  • Gratitude: Cultivate a grateful heart to enhance your well-being


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Men's Warrior Circle (Ticket)

Class Price


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